About Our Practice in The Villages

Unwind, Relax, & Reimagine Your Look with a Personalized Eyewear Experience

Everyone is welcome at Clear View Optix. What started as an idea in 2017 has evolved into an optical boutique providing luxury eyewear to residents in The Villages.

Your eyewear is an extension of you. Our experienced optician, Ron, partners with you to craft a tailored look that complements your personality. This complimentary session dives deep into both function and fashion, ensuring your new eyewear becomes a cherished statement piece

At Clear View Optix, the store is yours to explore, and our focus is solely on you and creating an unforgettable eyewear experience. Book an appointment and leave the ordinary behind.

Book Appointment

Your Personalized Appointment

When you walk in, Ron greets you with a smile. He will ask about your desires and needs, whether you need an eye exam, a repair, or a stunning new pair of eyeglasses. If you already have a prescription, please bring it with you.

We promise that our attention is on you. We close the doors and silence any distractions. Whether you need 15 minutes or 2 hours, you can take your time. We are even open from 10:00 AM to 2:00 PM on Saturdays to serve you better. 

When your glasses are ready, we present them on a tray with a little chocolate for a delicious touch.

Meet Our Team

Ron Catterson

Ron Catterson

Licensed Dispensing Optician

Dr. William Ramsay

Dr. William Ramsay


Donna Catterson

Donna Catterson

Secretary & Treasurer

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