Adult & Senior Eye Exams in The Villages

Keeping Up with Your Eye Health

Healthy vision is the key to a vibrant life. That is why we offer comprehensive eye exams conducted by an independent optometrist, available every week. 

Comprehensive eye exams are more than a vision test—they take a deeper look at your overall eye health and vision to identify problems before they affect your sight. Whether you need glasses, contacts, or specialized treatments, we are here to help you see clearly and comfortably.

Contact us to schedule an appointment today and get the peace of mind that comes with a comprehensive eye exam. 

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Getting a Complete Picture of Your Eye Health

Many eye diseases develop without symptoms, so regular eye exams are vital for maintaining healthy vision. These exams consist of several diagnostic tests to evaluate your vision and eye health, allowing for early detection of potential problems.

Every eye is unique, which becomes even more true as we age. That’s why your eye exams are tailored to your individual needs and medical history.

More Than 20/20 Vision

Following your eye exam, your optometrist will discuss any identified conditions and recommend a customized plan to address them. This plan may include:

Our team prioritizes recommending the most effective treatments available to safeguard your vision and optimize your visual experience.

How Often Should You Have an Eye Exam?

How often you should schedule an eye exam depends on your age and current eye health. According to the American Optometric Association:

  • Adults 18–64: Every 2 years (unless you have risk factors).
  • Adults over 65: Annual exams are recommended.
  • Higher risk: Annual eye exams are recommended for those with a family history of eye disease, diabetes, or other health concerns.

Many eye conditions can develop with time, and yearly exams can help your optometrist identify changes to your vision. You may need to book more frequent exams based on your optometrist’s recommendation. 

Schedule Your Eye Exam Today

Our friendly team will explain your test results in detail, answer any questions you have, and discuss available treatment options. We empower you to make informed decisions about your eye health.

Eye exams are essential for protecting your eye health and vision—do not put them off. Contact us to book an appointment when it’s time for your eye exam.

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