Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands in The Villages

Finding the Right Contact Lens Fit

While we love glasses, they are not for everyone. Contacts offer unbound freedom and convenience, and we are dedicated to helping you find the right fit for your eyes and lifestyle.

While contacts are convenient, they do require proper care and maintenance. After completing a contact lens exam and fitting, we will show you how to care for your lenses. Contact us to schedule your appointment today, and let us help you find your new contact lenses.

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Getting the Right Fit

A contact lens exam is similar to a comprehensive eye exam but with some differences. We will take time to assess your ocular health and determine which contact lenses suit your needs. Then, we will perform a fitting to determine the size, shape, and style of contacts that will be best for your eyes.

Poorly fitted lenses can lead to discomfort, blurred vision, or damage to your eyes.

Your Contact Lens Fitting Process

A contact lens fitting includes:

  • Measuring your corneal curvature
  • Measuring your pupil & iris
  • Evaluating your tear film

On top of these steps, we will provide thorough instructions on proper contact lens care and maintenance to help you avoid complications.

Book Your Contact Lens Exam Today

We are excited to help you find the right contact lenses for your visual needs. We will be with you throughout the entire fitting process and can answer any questions or concerns you have.

Contact us today to book a contact lens exam and fitting.

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