Repairs in The Villages

When Accidents Happen, We Can Help

Accidents happen. Glasses get left on the edge of the table, tossed into purses, or tangled in a toddler’s hug. Even the sturdiest frames and lenses can be damaged by the unexpected. 

However, an accident does not have to mean the end of your eyewearour team at Clear View Optix can help.

With our knowledge and experience, we can get your glasses back to you quickly and as good as new. If you need adjustments or repairs, please do not hesitate to visit us or book an appointment. 

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Experienced with Our Brands

We are deeply familiar with our brands, so adjusting or repairing them is easy. Even if you think your eyewear is beyond repair, reach out to us, and we will see what we can do. Our optician, Ron, is a whiz at repairs and loves helping people see clearly again. 

Contact Us Today If You Need Repairs

During your consultation, we’ll provide you with our contact information so you can easily reach us if your glasses ever need some TLC.  

Our goal is to help you see clearly and comfortably. We’re here to help when you need eyewear repairs or adjustments. Contact us if an accident happens, and we will help as best as we can. 

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